Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Plodding along a bit at a time..

Arriving in Greece proper the portal closed with a whoosh and a blinding flash of light behind them. Looking out over the party the king had decided upon for this first excursion to resupply Atlantis Jerome had to shake his head. How the King thought this mismatched group would be able to work together enough to gather the necessities required by Atlantis without killing each other he had no idea he figured they'd be lucky if they didn't kill each other inside the first week.

Jerome turned to Enrique, "Take 3 men see if the cottage on Thanaglos Peak is still empty. We'll need a base of operations in which to operate from, a place to bring the animals back to, and the portal can focus on us there without the Greeks being aware of it."

Turning his dark unshaven face towards Jerome with a haughty air, "And if its not empty?"

His expression stark and glacier cold, "Then make it so without wrecking it. Remember we need to be able to live there for a year if not longer."

Conray looked up from the pack he was about to swing onto his back confusion and anger warring for dominance on his face, "Longer? What do you mean longer? The King said this mission was no longer than year."

1 comment:

  1. When I saw you writing this yesterday, I figured you were just adding to what you already had. Sneaky you, you were turning it into a blog post. Fantastic, Jarek. Keep up the good work.

